Monday, September 21, 2009

Eid al Fitr

As I posted in my last blog, Sunday 9/20/09 was a major muslim Holiday. After fasting for 30 days I finally got to celebrate. This is one of the two major muslim holidays and generally regarded as the most important, because this occurs after ramadan, the most holy month of the year. Eid Al Fitr is like our Christmas. But during the month of Ramandan, we must not only not eat from sunrise to sunset, but also hold our tongue. We must not say bad things to or about people. We must pray more, like on a normal day we pray 5 times, but in Ramadan we must pray an extra prayer at night that takes alot longer than an average prayer. We must reflect on what kind of Muslims are we, are good muslims or are we muslims that need to work hard to become good muslims. We must give alot of charity during ramadan, like our yearly dues to the poor. Our yearly dues to the poor is like tax, if we don't give it is like a bad thing. We fast so that we feel how a person feel when they don't have food.
But finally on Sunday we could celebrate, we ate talked laughed and had a great time. We went to many homes and had food and just generally had a great time. I am just happy that I can now have lunch with some friends, and not just see them eat in front of my face.

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