Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My First Day of Class

Through the early morning mist, I made my half hour long drive to the University of Michigan Dearborn. Today was the first day of my four year long trek through the training of my future career. Though I generally like driving, today was the worst driving experience I have ever had. It took me 25 minutes to find a parking space, I went through almost every parking lot until I finally find a space at the back of the parking lot that was at the complete end of the campus. Well, that is a great way to start out my college career, by being honked at and almost getting hit in the parking lot every five minutes.
But after the hole almost getting hit by another car, and driving endlessly looking for a parking space, the day ended up being a good day. I have good professors and the classes seem to be interesting. Just hope tommorrow's parking will be easier!


  1. The parking lot is so terrible! Atleast we all know how to plan out our commutes now. On the first day we didnt expect it and the busy lot jumped up on us, atleast now we know how early we need to show up to get a relatively close spot!

  2. My parking experience was horrible too! I can't wait until the parking becomes easier! I heard from someone that freshman were not aloud to park on the campus? I think that is a lie.

  3. ha same man i could not find a spot there either i was driving around forever! it sucks but hopefully it wont be like that next time
